

英単語の語感をつけるためには英英辞典に慣れ親しむ必要があります。英英辞典初心者にはWordsmyth, Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryLongman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishがお勧めです。


excellent, incredible, marvelous, fantasticを英和辞典で調べるといろんな日本語の訳が載っていますが、英英辞典の説明は単純です。これらの形容詞の意味はextremely goodとだけ説明されています。つまりvery goodということです。「紅の豚」でジーナの歌声に聞き惚れたカーチスはこうつぶやきます

“She sure is incredible. I just might have to take her back home with me.”


“We’ve been receiving so many calls, asking about this marvelous airship – the Spirit of Freedom – which, uh, may or may not be passing over our area soon.”


“Oh, wow. It’s beautiful. What a fantastic hideout. Oh, it’s good to stretch my legs.”

extremelyは良い意味の強調としてよく英英辞典に出てきます。impressive(印象的な)の強調表現extremely impressiveはawesomeです。 「凉宮ハルヒの憂鬱」の「射手座の人」の回でのキョンのセリフです。

“I was just thinking about how awesome I am for being able to cope with this absurd situation.”

extremely pleasedはthrilled。「ハウルの動く城」でのサリマンのセリフ。王宮でサリマンはソフィーに対してハウルが非常に優秀な生徒であったと語ります。

“I’ve never seen such a gifted student. I was so thrilled to have finally found someone talented enough to replace me”

extremely surprisingはamazingもしくはunbelievable。extremely surprisedはamazedとなります。「耳をすませば」で雫が愛読書の図書貸し出しカードに天沢聖司という名が必ずあることに気づきます

“Seiji Amasawa. Seiji Amasawa. Seiji Amasawa. That’s amazing. This guy checked out all these books before I did.”


“It’s pretty amazing that this taxi showed up just when you needed it.”


Unbelievable. You’re the spitting image of that stuffed cat. I bet your name’s Jiji, right?”


“Here, I am amazed that the silent one finally started talking.”

面白すぎるという意味のextremely funnyは転じて「ばかばかすぎる」という意味になります。英語ではhilarious。ハルヒとキョンの会話です。

“There was a club called The Mystery Research Club.” “Yeah? How was that?” “It was hilarious.”

他にもextremely cleverという意味でbrilliant、extremely valuableという意味でinvaluable、extremely interestingという意味でfascinatingという形容詞がよく使われます

My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me. (Winston Churchill)
China can and will be an invaluable trading partner to both the U.S. and the U.K. (James Dyson)
I love visiting LA. It’s an endlessly fascinating city, and is, of course, America’s entertainment capital. (Lee Child)

extremelyは悪い意味でも使われます。extremely badといえばhorrible (副詞はhorribly), hideous, awful, ghastly。アスベルとラステルの母とナウシカの会話です

“I’m Asbel and Lastel’s mother.” “You’re their mother.” “Please forgive us. What our people did was horribly wrong.”


“Look what you’ve done to my hair! Look!” “What a pretty color.” “It’s hideous! You completely ruined my magic potions in the bathroom!”


Pazu, I’m so so sorry. There’s been a grave misunderstanding. We had no idea how nobly you fought to protect our little Sheeta from those awful pirates.


Ah, these nuts taste awful. What are they?


“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.” “I’ll just stay in bed all day, so you go on.”

extremely unpleasantの意味だとdisgustingrepulsiveという形容詞がよく使われます。『もののけ姫』でナゴの守が人間に対して罵ります

Disgusting little creatures, soon all of you will feel my fate, and suffer as I have suffered.


Wrong! Wrong! I specifically ordered you not to get carried away! Now I’m repulsive. I can’t live like this.

「怒った」はangry。angryの強意形であるextremely angryはfurious。カオナシが千に会わせろと湯屋で大暴れ。千を見つけたリンはこう言います

Everyone’s looking for you. Yubaba is furious.

疲れすぎたら(extremely tired)exhaustedになります。ポルコがフィオに不思議な体験を語ります。

Yeah. It was the strangest thing I’d ever seen. The light was so pure, I figured I must be in heaven. Then I realized I’d just flown into a cloud. I was so exhausted. I couldn’t hold on to the stick to fly my plane. But the plane just kept on flying.

汚いはdirty。汚すぎる(extremely dirty)部屋はfilthyです。まっくろくろすけを捕まえたメイの手のひらはすすだらけです

“Mei, your hands are filthy. What on earth did you do?” “I caught a soot gremlin, but he got away.”


“We only use this tub for our really filthy guests.”

魅力がないのはunattractive。その強調形extremely unattractiveはuglyです。キキは紺色の自分の服が大嫌い。お店の服を見ながらつぶやきます。

I wish I had something pretty to wear. My dress is so ugly. Oh, wow! This costs so much!


Well, you know, it’s a great place, except for that ugly photograph you keep hanging on the wall up there.

嫌いも度を超すとan extreme dislikeとなります。「もののけ姫」にはhatredhateという言葉がよく出ます

“Will you join forces with San and fight the humans?” “No. All that would do is cause more hatred.

No, I was just thinking about the boar god. I was thinking how he must have died filled with hate.

extremely unsuccessfulはdisastrous、extremely fatはobese

Politics is the art of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. (John Kenneth Galbraith

Paradoxically Americans are becoming both more obese and more nutrient deficient at the same time. (Mark E. Hyman)

extremelyは価値中立的な意味でもよく使われます。extremely largeはimmense, enormous, gigantic, huge。『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』でハルヒは朝比奈ミクルのバストをimmenseと表現します。

“She’s tiny but she’s got bigger breasts than me! I mean, look at these things! They’re immense! This is another important aspects of moe.”


“You must eat like a pig. That lunch is enormous.”


“Wow, look up there!” “That cloud – it’s gigantic!” “Beyond that cloud is a floating city that no one here on earth believes exists.”

extremely bigはvastですが、extremely smallはtinyです。朝比奈ミクルの胸にある星形のほくろはtinyです。

Okay, this will prove it. See, I’ve got a tiny star-shaped mole right here. It’s not a fake mole, either. Wanna touch it?


You have to hold your breath while we cross the bridge. Even the tiniest breath will break the spell, and then everyone will see you.

けががひどいとserious。もっとひどいとextremely serious=criticalになります。朝倉と戦った長門のけがが心配になって声をかけるキョン。長門は大丈夫と返事します。

“Hey Nagato, hang on! I’ll get some help.” “No. My physical injuries are not critical. This space needs to be corrected before I do anything else.”

ありそうなことはbe likely to。be extremely likely toとなるとbe bound to。朝倉がキョンを殺そうとする理由。キョンが死ねば「必ず」何か面白いことが起きるから

But if I kill this human, Haruhi Suzumiya is bound to do something interesting.


extremely active → frenetic
extremely angry → blistering, livid
extremely bad → diabolical, egregious, horrendous
extremely careful → scrupulous
extremely critical → withering
extremely happy → ecstatic, elated, euphoric
extremely hot → sweltering
extremely hungry → ravenous
extremely important → vital, imperative
extremely large → ginormous, humungous
extremely serious → dire
extremely small → minute, piffling
extremely tired → beat
extremely unpleasant → grisly, repulsive


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